Red Dwarf is a British, science fiction sitcom. Set aboard the mining ship, Red Dwarf, it follows the adventures of a group of unlikely heroes in the distant future. A radiation leak caused the death of the entire crew except Dave Lister, in suspended animation at the time. Revived when the radiation dropped to safe levels, three million years later, Lister, probably the last human alive, the Cat, who evolved from Lister's pet, Rimmer, a hologram, and Kryten, a domestic mechanoid, constantly defend themselves against vicious robots, bizarre aliens and the smell from Lister's laundry basket. As part of the preparations for US syndication, the first three seasons were remastered, with a new, digital soundtrack, new special effects, and the removal of some of the coarser jokes. Despite persistent rumours of a movie, none has yet eventuated. In Australia, the show originally aired on the ABC. It was later picked up by the Foxtel channel, UK TV, where it still airs occasionally. |
These pages are maintained by . Feel free to email me any suggestions or contributions. |
Red Dwarf | |
Channel: | ABC & UK TV |
Timeslot: | See relevant guides. |
Duration: | 30 minutes |
Current Status: | See relevant guides. |
Season Start: | |
Rights: | Unknown. |
No. | Title |
1 | The End |
2 | Future Echoes |
3 | Balance of Power |
4 | Waiting For God |
5 | Confidence & Paranoia |
6 | Me2 |
No. | Title |
1 | Kryten |
2 | Better Than Life |
3 | Thanks for the Memory |
4 | Stasis Leak |
5 | Queeg |
6 | Parallel Universe |
No. | Title |
1 | Backwards |
2 | Marooned |
3 | Polymorph |
4 | Bodyswap |
5 | Timeslides |
6 | The Last Day |
No. | Title |
1 | Camille |
2 | D.N.A. |
3 | Justice |
4 | White Hole |
5 | Dimension Jump |
6 | Meltdown |
No. | Title |
1 | Holoship |
2 | The Inquisitor |
3 | Terrorform |
4 | Quarantine |
5 | Demons & Angels |
6 | Back to Reality |
No. | Title |
1 | Psirens |
2 | Legion |
3 | Gunmen of the Apocalypse |
4 | Emohawk: Polymorph II |
5 | Rimmerworld |
6 | Out of Time |
No. | Title |
1 | Tikka to Ride |
2 | Stoke Me A Clipper |
3 | Ouroboros |
4 | Duct Soup |
5 | Blue |
6 | Beyond A Joke |
7 | Epideme |
8 | Nanarchy |
No. | Title |
1 | Back in the Red, Part One |
2 | Back in the Red, Part Two |
3 | Back in the Red, Part Three |
4 | Cassandra |
5 | Krytie TV |
6 | Pete, Part One |
7 | Pete, Part Two |
8 | Only the Good... |
Official Red Dwarf Website. | |
Official Red Dwarf Fan Club. | |
Red Dwarf at |
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Copyright ©1998-2007 Paulius Stepanas. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated: 27-September-2007